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K mata agak kero taktau nak pndg kamera mana. Haha K saya dah habis SPM. This is not good, I'm freakin gementar nak fikir pasal result yang aku will ambil nanti. K InsyaAllah boleh! Pheww, Memanglah bebudak tak amek SPM lagi fikir cam best dah habis SPM dah free kununs hah aku dah bosan duk rumah nieee. K buat masa sekarang lah coz mama ayah a bit busy enn then after that HOLIDAYYYYY ;D Hehee kbai. And after that, Kene fikir pasal kerja pasal nak amek lesen lah k i'm so new into all this thing. Nak mintak kerja camne? K pity me. Dulu pernah la jugak kerja tp tu pon sbb kwn offer kat bazaar ramadhan. And kerja pon sebulan je. Nanti nak mintak kerja kena tebalkan muka ke ape ke. Arghhhhhh. K tapi belum try belum tahu kan. So lets just gain the experience of it. K actually nak update pasal kengkawan asrama titew yg tersayang yang yang tapi cam takde mood nak say goodbye lagi maybe after Langkawi trip. Tu pon kalau pergi. What a sadlife. Dah lah tu might be the last meeting for us. Tapi bukan aku je tak pergi for sure but still rasa cam tak best la en kalau tak dpat jumpa diorang :( Ayah kata boleh pergi at the first place but bila fikir balik nanti family day trip gi PD habis 18/12 and Langkawi trip pun habis 18/12 nanti sape nak amek akuuu :{ Huhu. And nanti Si Anem tu takde kawan pulaks kesian diaaa.I'm so in DILEMMA! Tapi bila lagi nak jumpa diorang kan. Hmmm. Kbai .__. |